DRS Technologies wins new battlefield computer work
nampak pada tajuk tu macam up je kan ?? padahal memang gempak pun...DRS Technologies Inc telah berjaya mendapatkan kontrak bernilai $45.5 million utk menyediakan rugged Applique Computer Systems and peripheral equipment for the Army’s Force XXI Battle Command, Brigade and Below program.
dalam kontrak tersebut, syarikat ni akan menyediakan satu sistem komputer di mana akan diinstall perisian M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tanks and M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles (US punya perisian untuk ketenteraan kot) sistem ini akan menyokong Army’s Blue Force Tracking di bawah paras pengelihatan. ( untk keje keje mengintip kot)
The systems are intended to support lower-echelon battle command tactical mission requirements, such as real-time situational awareness, target identification and graphical combat area displays. The situational awareness component will collectively display the geographical location of all weapons, platforms, soldiers, command posts and other facilities and will be used in conjunction with the Army’s Tactical Internet.
The new systems will support Army and Marine Corps units engaged in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. The company announced in September that it had won a $15 million contract for similar work.
akan dilancarkan pada januari 2006. alahai macam mane ni. teknologi US dah makin maju dah. Malaysia bile lagi ? tak kan takde persediaan senjata canggih cam gitu kot?? sekurang kurangnya kita bersedia...........
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