Intel presents revolutionary cache technology for almost immediate computer start-up
INTEL has presented its latest Robson cache technology at an Intel Developer Forum in Old Taipei. With Robson, a PC pulls data and applications off an add-in flash memory card and Intel software, rather than the PC's hard drive. Flash reacts more quickly than hard drives, thus cutting down the time it takes to launch an application.
A Robson card can contain 64MB to 4GB of NAND flash-memory. Earlier this year, Samsung and Microsoft showed off a prototype hard drive with an internal 1GB flash memory chip that also cuts power consumption. In that prototype, incoming data gets written to the flash memory chip.Intel’s new Robson cache technology ensured an almost immediate start-up of a Centrino-based notebook PC during a live demonstration at the Intel Developer Forum in Taipei, while a laptop with identical hardware but without Robson took several seconds to boot up.The laptop with Robson also opened Adobe Reader in 0.4 seconds, while the other notebook required 5.4 seconds. It opened Quicken in 2.9 seconds, while the laptop without Robson technology needed 8 seconds to do the job.
The company did not say when the new devices will be hitting the market
FUJITSU: MHT20x0 SERIES-A single storage solution ideal for both the laptop and the data center.

Fujitsu Computer today announced that it will showcase the latest Fujitsu2.5" enterprise and mobile hard disk drives at the Storage Networking World(SNW) Fall 2005 Conference on Oct. 24 - 27 in Orlando, FL. Fujitsu will demonstrate the capabilities of severalenterprise storage systems utilizing its most advanced 2.5" Serial ATA (SATA)and small form factor (SFF) Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) hard disk drives.Fujitsu will also showcase a mobile-rack containing sixteen SAS hard diskdrives that achieves 1.7GB/s throughput, as well as a tower operating withSATA drives that boasts nearly five terabytes of storage capacity.
A single storage solution ideal for both the laptop and the data center.
2.5-inch Hard-Disk Drive, Serial ATA
5,400 RPM Mobile Hard Disk Drives
MHT2040BH * MHT2060BH * MHT2080BH
Put Fujitsu 2.5-inch Serial ATA hard-disk drives to work for you
Serial ATA (SATA) enables the high-speed transfer of data (1.5Gb/s), outstripping older, 16-bit parallel bus technology. The 2.5-inch SATA disk drives features Native Command Queuing (NCQ), which simultaneously coordinates up to 32 instructions to be queued and reordered by the hard-disk controller.
The 2.5-inch 9.5mm hard disk drive is quieter, dissipates less heat and uses less power.
Three to four 2.5-inch SATA drives can fit in the same space as one 3.5-inch drive, allowing it to be used in a RAID array*
The small form factor allows for the design of compact, space efficient storage products, including notebooks and storage towers, as well as non-PC devices
Fujitsu has nearly 20 generations of 2.5-inch form factor product expertise.
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Good chemistry is key formula for recent stop-motion movies
(October 19, 2005) -- College Park, MD Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride" and Nick Park’s “Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit”, released earlier this month, are stop-motion animation films with a new scientific twist behind the scenes. Both new and old stop motion shows are comprised of sets and characters made of malleable, lifelike looking, but inert, material.
Stop-motion is a cinematic form of animation, in which handcrafted puppets are moved just fractions of an inch, frame by frame, in front of still cameras so they can be seamlessly played back as one continuous video or film.
Modern chemistry has brought today's animators tools that can compete with sophisticated visuals generated by the latest computer graphics programs. These modern state-of-the-art hybrid plastic skins include injected foam-latex and high-tech urethane that can then be painted with a wide range of color pigmentation. In fact, technicians had to hand craft the "Corpse Bride" dolls and stretch "skins" of silicone over steel-reinforced armatures.
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Kids with access to a home computer are more likely to graduate, digital divide study finds
SANTA CRUZ, CA--Access to a home computer increases the likelihood that children will graduate from high school, but blacks and Latinos are much less likely to have a computer at home than are whites, according to a new study by a researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz, that also found the digital divide is even more pronounced among children than adults
Although many studies have explored the impact of computers in schools, and the federal government has made computer access in schools a priority, very few studies have assessed the impact on youth of having a computer in the home. Among the key findings of Fairlie's research:
• Teenagers who have access to home computers are 6 to 8 percentage points more likely to graduate from high school than teens who lack access to a home computer, after controlling for individual, parental, and family characteristics.
• Only 50.6 percent of blacks and 48.7 percent of Latinos have access to home computers, compared to 74.6 percent of whites.
• Only 40.5 percent of blacks and 38.1 percent of Latinos have Internet access at home, compared to 67.3 percent of whites.
• Among children, slightly more than half of all black and Latino children have access to a home computer, and about 40 percent have Internet access at home. By comparison, 85.5 percent of white children have home computer access, and 77.4 percent can use the Internet at home.
• Asians have home computer and Internet access rates that are slightly higher than white rates (77.7 and 70.3 percent, compared to 74.6 and 67.3 percent).
• Among Latinos, Mexicans have the lowest home computer and Internet access rates, followed by Central and South Americans.
DRS Technologies wins new battlefield computer work
nampak pada tajuk tu macam up je kan ?? padahal memang gempak pun...
DRS Technologies Inc telah berjaya mendapatkan kontrak bernilai $45.5 million utk menyediakan rugged Applique Computer Systems and peripheral equipment for the Army’s Force XXI Battle Command, Brigade and Below program.
dalam kontrak tersebut, syarikat ni akan menyediakan satu sistem komputer di mana akan diinstall perisian M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tanks and M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles (US punya perisian untuk ketenteraan kot) sistem ini akan menyokong Army’s Blue Force Tracking di bawah paras pengelihatan. ( untk keje keje mengintip kot)
The systems are intended to support lower-echelon battle command tactical mission requirements, such as real-time situational awareness, target identification and graphical combat area displays. The situational awareness component will collectively display the geographical location of all weapons, platforms, soldiers, command posts and other facilities and will be used in conjunction with the Army’s Tactical Internet.
The new systems will support Army and Marine Corps units engaged in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. The company announced in September that it had won a $15 million contract for similar work.
akan dilancarkan pada januari 2006. alahai macam mane ni. teknologi US dah makin maju dah. Malaysia bile lagi ? tak kan takde persediaan senjata canggih cam gitu kot?? sekurang kurangnya kita bersedia...........
New Foundation-Longer Battery life
Beberapa syarikat menjalankan kajian mengenai sumber tenaga yang berasakan cell metanol (DIRECT METHANIOL FUEL CELLS, DMFCs) di mana satu sumber tenaga yang satu hari nanti akan mengantikan bateri cas untuk tujuan tertentu sedang dipamerkan di minggu pameran Ceatec japun 2005. tetapi, dalam kajian yg dibuat untuk aplikasi penggunaan pada pameran tersebut, peluang untuk menggantikan bateri laptop mungkin tipis.
DMFCs berfungsi dengan menjana kuasa elektrik apabila metanol d campurkan dgn air dan bertindak balas dgn udara menghasilkan satu lapisan nipis di panggil membran. jurutera menambarkan satu sumber tenaga yang dapat membekalkan tenaga unutk jangka masa yang panjang. --- dan mengcasnya sangat mudah. iaitu dengan menambah semula metanol ke dalam tmpat yg disediakan.
tahun lepas, dua syarikat gergasi iaitu toshiba.corp dan hitachi. ltd telah memperkenalkan prototaip bateri ca unutk telefon bimbit berasakan teknologi. prototaip yang serupa muncul pada tahun ini dan teknologi tersebut dibangunkan cukup untuk syarikat membangunkan bantuan teknikal di mana ianya tidak disdiakan pada tahun lepas.
toshiba berkata, pengeas telefon tersebut cukup untuk mengecas bateri telefon untuk 5 kali. ianya berukuran 11cm persegi dan 2cm tebal. produck hitachi pula berukuran 12cm dan boleh membekalkan tenaga selama 5 jam.
banyak syarikat sedang mencari telefon berasaskan DFMCs sebagai salah satu aplikasi awal kepada teknologi. syarikat telefon nombor atu jepun mendakwa, mereka sedang berusaha dalam projek ini dengan rakan kerja mereka.
mereka ni juga sedang berusaha untuk membina telefon bimbit yang dapat mengantikan penggunaan bateri. kedua dua syarikat ni mempunyai prototaip yang berasaskan teknologi DFMCs.
telefon keluaran toshiba yang saiznya agak besar berbanding henset sebelumynya berupaya berfungi 2.5 kali lebih lama.
pada pameran tersebut, hitachi ada mempamerkan produk lain yg juga berasakan teknologi metanol. antaranya laptop, flash memory berasakan pemain mp3 dan cakera keras...
Biowares Latest RPG "Mass Effect" Fact Sheet
"Mass Effect" is a science fiction action-RPG created by BioWare Corp., the commercially and critically acclaimed RPG developer of "Jade Empire," "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic," "Neverwinter Nights," and the "Baldur's Gate" series. "Mass Effect" will deliver an immersive story driven gameplay experience with stunning visual fidelity. Published by Microsoft Game Studios, "Mass Effect" will be exclusively for the Xbox 360 video game system.
Key Features:
Immersive RPG: Determine the fate of mankind as you lead an elite tactical strike force as an epic galaxy-wide conflict unfolds. "Mass Effect" will take the player into new depths of an action-roleplaying game, with choice-based gameplay.
Rich and engaging storyline. While defending galactic peace and earning a position of respect for humanity in the community, gamers will discover that a greater conflict between organic life and artificial intelligence exists. Players' decisions and actions will serve to shape the destiny of all life in the galaxy as you become absorbed in the story that is "Mass Effect," the first game in an epic trilogy from BioWare. They will become the center of an engrossing story as they battle against alien life forms to save the galaxy from threatening armies.
Player controls the ultimate fate of the galaxy: The player's decisions and actions will serve to shape the destiny of all life in the galaxy, while raising humanity to the pinnacle of galactic civilization via noble means or via tyranny.
Real-time squad based combat: "Mass Effect" employs a real-time, squad based, tactical combat system. Players will be immersed in intense, challenging and exciting combat.
Electronic Arts unveils games for Xbox 360 launch

Electronic Arts Inc. on Monday announced five video game titles that will be available for Microsoft Corp's Xbox 360 console when it launches next month. EA
, the world's biggest video game publisher, will debut the Xbox 360 games, "Need for Speed Most Wanted," "FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup," "NBA Live 06," "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06" and "Madden NFL 06," at Microsoft's X05 event in Amsterdam on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Apa yang anda tidak tahu mengenai COCA COLA

sekadar nak berkonsi cerita....Kisah Disebalik Coke. Fakta seperti yang tersenarai dibawah adalah kajian santifik yang dibuat oleh ahli sains kesihatan/sosial di USA dan Britain serta laporan dari seluruh dunia mengenai minuman ringan Coke : Coca Cola. Di dalam kebanyakan negeri di US, kereta peronda lebuhraya akan dimuatkan 2 gallon Coke untuk menghilangkan kesan darah di jalanraya apabila berlaku kemalangan. Cam pasukan SMART dan bomba kita tu, Harzadous Team. Cuba tanya Plus Ronda atau Polis Lebuhraya, adakah mereka guna?
1. Masukan tulang dalam satu mangkuk yang diisi Coke, ia akan hancur atau hilang sama sekali dalam masa
2 hari. Elok untuk yang berniaga sup tulang!
3. Untuk mencuci tandas : Masukkan setin air Coke dalam tandas dan biarkan selama 1 jam dan kemudian 'flush'. Kesan kotoran/hampas akan hilang dari tindakan 'citric asid' yang berada dalam Coke. Satu bahan gantian untuk mencuci kalau sabun dah habis!Rasa-rasa buat sabun badan boleh tak?
4. Untuk menghilangkan kesan karat dari bumper kereta jenis chrome : Lap bumper dengan aluminium foil yang dicelup dengan Coke. Kesannya karat hilang!
4. Untuk menghilangkan kesan 'corrosion' atau hakisan pada skru/nat bateri kereta : Tuang saja setin Coke pasti kesan hakisan hilang serta merta.
5. Untuk melonggarkan skru yang berkarat dan ketat : Sekali lagi tuang setin Coke, skru tersebut pasti longgar dan boleh dibuka.
6. Untuk menghilangkan kesan minyak/lekit dari pakaian : Tambahkan setin Coke dalam mesin basuh bersama sabun pencuci dan basuh macam biasa. Kesan minyak tu pasti hilang. Kemudian bolehlah minum air basuhan tadi berperisa coke.
7. Cermin kereta anda berdebu/kotor/melekit ? Celup tuala dengan Coke dan lap. Pasti bersih. Tak payah guna tin sembur cuci cermin cam jual di Yawata atau di Brothers tu kerana ianya amat mahal! Bahan aktif Coke adalah phosphoric asid. Ia mempunyai pH 2.8. Ia boleh meleburkan sebatang paku dalam masa 4 hari. Kilang Perwaja/besi mesti suka ni! Asid tersebut juga menghakis kekuatan tulang belakang dan tulang lain dalam badan yang merupakan punca utama kearah penyakit osteoporosis.
Sila lihat lori yang membawa air sirap Coke dalam lori tangki,[ bukan lori yang bawa Coke siap dalam botol/tin] pasti dilengkapi dengan tanda amaran "Bahan Kimia Bahaya" atau"Bahan Penghakis : bahaya". Lori tangki itu juga diselaputi bahan penghakis hakisan untuk mengelak lori tu dihakis. . Tolon jangan letak/parkir kereta berhampiran lori tangki yang ada tanda amaran tu, silap-silap tengah bawak kereta, putus 2 sebab hakisan/karat. Para pengedar minuman Coke telah menggunakannya untuk mencuci bahagian enjin lori/trak mereka sejak 20 tahun. Wahh...mesti buat overhaul ni! Kandungan gulanya 18 sudu cawan teh satu tin Coke. Cuba try bancuh kopi/teh dengan 18 sudu gula tu kat rumah dan minum mesti termuntah tapi tambahkan citric asid, mesti muka tersenyum. Tambah pula dengan ais!. Wahh! Rasa cam minum Coke berperisa kopi. Asid tersebut akan bertindak terhadap lidah untuk memberi signal kepada otak bahawa air yang diminum tidak berapa manis. Lidah ngan otakpun kena tipu. Semua minuman ringan menggunakan asid yang sama.
Tak kiralah Pepsi. 7-up, Drinho, Yeos, Milo, F&N dll. Sama jer! Anak bapak dan Keluarga 69. Coke membawa maksud dadah Cocaine. Asal minuman Coke adalah dicipta untuk meghilangkan rasa letih dan mengkhayalkan untuk para pekerja buruh. Cam candu ! masuk China dulu. Antara isi kandungannya adalah ekstrak dari daun coca [cocaine] dan kacang Cola. Tu yang mai perkataan CocaCola tu. Cuba rendamkan gigi [gigi yang patah ker tapi kalau nak rendam gigi dalam mulut tu pun boleh gak] dalam satu mangkuk Coke, pasti gigi tu hilang/lebur... tapi semalam baru je aku minum coke......................
fakta pasal coke tu pernah aku tgk kat satu rancangan astro dulu... apa ek namanya... mythbuster kot... tak ingat la... diorang buat eksperimen ngan hampir semua fakta2 dan hasilnya lebih kurang(tak ingat) 8 dari 10 hanyalah myth semata2... aku ingat satu eksperimen diorang tu, pasal orang kata cola boleh mencegah kehamilan... diorang rendam air mani kat dlm coke, nak tgk berapa banyak sperma mati selepas waktu tertentu... .